PCA120x600-vogue-bannerJennifer Linder in the April 2013 issue of Vogue delves into the myths about chemical peels.  She assures readers they are the best thing you can do for your skin and explains the benefits regular chemical treatments have on skin health.

The article, titled “Lift Off,” highlights Ultra Peel® I and explains the many benefits regular chemical peel treatments have on skin health, while amplifying the effects of daily care in the process.

“I always say, ‘You don’t have to peel with a peel,’” Dr. Linder says. Regarding Ultra Peel® I, she noted that following the treatment, “the skin takes on this lovely glow and looks more even.” When performed regularly, Linder said, “you can get to the same end points with peels as you can with lasers.”

Article Highlights

  • The latest cocktails have yielded gentle peels for virtually every skin type and issue: Have sun damage or discoloration? There’s a peel for that. Bothered by fine lines? Or just dull skin? Get a peel. Is acne a problem? A peel will help.
  • The new thinking trades the no-pain-no-gain mentality for the more palatable slow-and-steady-wins-the-race: Combinations of multiple exfoliating acids in lower strengths encourage the skin to shed its top layers, along with dead, complexion-clogging surface cells and impurities.
  • Beyond the luminous, near-instant gratification achieved by so many peels,
    [there is] another reason to incorporate one into a regular regimen: They help pave the way for daily skin care to perform better by removing dead surface cells that may be impeding its absorption.

Linder ends the piece saying, “Peels are the one thing that every dermatologist can do to help their patient’s age gracefully. The experience is much like getting a facial, but you get more out of it. You’re actually doing something to change the long-term health of the skin[and it’s such an easy thing to do.”

Schedule a PCA Skincare Ultra Peel® 1 with Skintique in Corte Madera, California

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